
Stairway Program

Qualfon pursues a tripartite mission in order to serve our clients, create job opportunities, and develop our collaborators. One of our main purposes is to ensure that every person who is working with Qualfon Is able to pursue his or her total vocation. A vocation is the intersection between your talents and the needs of the world. The word “vocation” comes from the Latin word “vocare,” which means “calling.” As people, we find happiness when we work within our calling.
That’s why, in 2018, Qualfon’s Operations, Human Development Team, and the Mission office launched the Stairway to the Best Version of Myself (Stairway) program. The Stairway program is a 3-year program that lets our collaborators follow a series of steps to achieve their career and personal goals. One of the main components of the Stairway is a flexible, but rigorous self-development work plan, which is laid out in this workbook.

Objectives of the Workbook
This workbook consists of 52 tasks. Each exercise serves a specific purpose with the main objective to support professional, personal, and emotional growth of Qualfon collaborators. Participants have the option to complete the tasks in 1 year or over a span of 52 weeks. However, some exercises encourage self-reflection and a rigorous search of one’s purpose. That’s why the timelines have been made flexible for a self-paced discovery, which can take up to 3 years. Those who complete their cycle of 52 exercises are encouraged to make some key tasks a part of their regular personal development. For example, to continue to update and review their mission, vision, and career growth plan on a regular basis.